Bullet Journal Packing List for Frequent Travelers

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Bullet Journal Packing List

The art of packing is a skill that all frequent travelers have mastered. It can become second nature to pack your suitcase in short order, but it’s easy to forget the small things we need! Bullet journaling can make this process much easier, because you can use it as a checklist for what you need before heading out on the road (whether you’re flying or taking a road trip). Let’s look at using a bullet journal packing list!


Bullet Journal Packing List

What is Bullet Journaling?

Bullet journaling isn’t a new concept, but it may be new to you. Bullet journals (or “bujo”) are used by people all over the world for a variety of reasons, whether a to-do list or daily schedule. Essentially, bullet journaling is a combination of the bullet list and a journal. You can use bullet lists as a great way to organize important information, like your own personal checklist.

Bullet Travel Journal

Taking the bullet journal one step further, we can also use it as a travel journal…a travel planner, organizer, and memory book, all in one.

Use a bullet travel journal to plan out all your future adventures. While traveling, track your expenses, miles traveled, and more! You can use it as a personal or family notebook to document the memories that will last forever.

There can be sections for each trip you go on so you don’t forget where you’ve been before, and it’s an easy way to keep track of how much money you’re spending along the way, too! You’ll be able to document your trip memories, so you can remember all the things for years to come.

The first thing to do is choose a bullet journal. One of the main factors when choosing a travel bullet journal is to find one with high-quality paper. If you decide to get crafty with it, which we’ll look at in a minute, you’ll want high-quality paper to prevent all the awesome colors from bleeding through.

Here are some understated bullet journal options to get your creativity flowing:

This is a really pretty option that comes with stickers and incorporates a pen loop:

Bullet Journal Packing List Ideas

So, here we are! The bullet journal packing list!

You may be thinking, “How do I create a packing list, let alone a bullet journal packing list?” Either way, I’ve got you covered.

There are numerous ways you can create your bullet journal packing list. It can be as simple or detailed as you want it to be. You can bullet journal your packing list using a “template,” (such as my Ultimate Packing List) or make bullet lists for specific elements of your trip.

If you are a busy person who travels frequently, bullet journaling your packing list can really help. It will be much easier to create a bullet journal packing list of what you need, instead of trying to think of everything when the time comes to pack.

Master Packing List

I recommend having a master packing list. That way you’re not re-inventing the wheel every time. Then, as you use the master list to formulate your trip-specific list, you can shop for the items that you don’t already have on hand and be ready to go when its time to pack.

Another huge reason why I use a master packing list is that it greatly reduces the risk of forgetting something that you really need (such as prescription medications), things you might not be able to buy overseas (laundry detergent for sensitive skin), or everyday things that are really expensive to purchase internationally (Kleenex and Band-Aids in Iceland!).

I can’t imagine having to remember everything I need over and over again for each trip. Having a master bullet journal packing list is a must. Then, for each trip, you can develop your packing list without worrying about forgetting anything. What a great idea!

In case you missed it, you can download my FREE Ultimate Packing List, and use it as your bullet journal packing list template. It’s your ultimate vacation packing list!

Category Options

The best way to setup your bullet journal packing list is in categories.

Create bullet journal headings for each category. Here are the main categories that I use in my Ultimate Packing List:

  • clothing (& stuff & things)
  • swim & sun
  • ski & snow
  • toiletries
  • vitamins/medicines
  • tech
  • travel
  • international trips
  • food & drink
  • at home
  • camping (more like glamping)
  • other
  • kids
  • baby

You could also include categories that are specific to certain family members. In our family, I need to make sure that I have all my sun protection clothing items. So, that’s usually a special section just for me.

When you’ve written in the categories you’ll need, then you can begin filling in each category with the desired items.

Style Options

As you’re creating the categories and item lists in your bullet journal packing list, you can be as over-the-top creative, or as minimalistic, as you want!

It doesn’t have to take a long time, but the best thing is that it’s unique to you!

Here are some travel bullet journal ideas regarding style:

  • black & white, or lots of color (even a personalized color scheme!)
  • minimalist, or fancy
  • block style, or drawings (such as having each category inside a drawing of a suitcase)
  • doodle travel icons or famous monuments where you’ll be traveling (such as an airplane or sketch of the Eiffel Tower)
  • use bullet journal stickers

Bullet Journal Travel Spreads

You don’t really need a packing list if you haven’t planned anywhere to go! So, let’s look at some of the other important parts of your bullet travel planning journal, including various bullet journal travel pages.

Cover Pages

Start off your bullet journal with a really fun cover page. Give it a title, incorporating the places you’ll be visiting. This is where you creativity can shine through. The sky’s the limit in terms of color, illustrations, stickers, you name it!

Monthly Spreads

Especially if you’re going on a longer trip, a monthly spread will come in quite handy. Use it to plan out where you’ll be and where you’ll overnight each day.

It’s a high-level overview of your trip. For example, on Tuesday, May 3, we’ll be in Paris all day and staying in Paris that night. On Wednesday, May 4, we’ll be taking the TGV from Paris to Lyon and spending the night in Lyon.

Weekly Spreads

Weekly spreads allow for more detail of what you want to see and do (and eat!) each day.

Daily Spreads (Travel Plans)

Daily spreads, or daily pages, provide space for even more detail. List out exactly where you went each day, what you saw, what you ate, what you bought, where you stayed. The daily spread is where you can plan out (and then execute) your travel itinerary. So, you can also think of it as your itinerary spread.

Include travel information, such as how you’ll get to your destination on a particular day, how you’ll get around, and again, where you’ll be staying each night.

Also use the daily spreads to jot down your favorite things from each day of your trip, what the weather was like, and what you wore.

If you need a little help getting started, I’ve created the SBT Travel Planning Guide, with monthly, weekly, and daily templates. It also includes a few more goodies to get your travel planning started!

Travel Budget

Given that we are Semi-Budget Travel, a travel budget is an important part of every trip. Download my FREE Semi-Budget Travel Resource Collection, which includes a FREE Trip Planning Spreadsheet. Then, incorporate the budget information as one of your bullet journal travel spreads.

Local Map and/or World Map

Incorporate local maps into your bullet journal to plot out the places that you’ll visit in each city.

Add a world map as one of your travel spreads, too. Mark all the places on the map that you’ve been to, as well as all the places you still want to visit!

Best Bullet Journal Supplies

Gettin’ crafty with it! That’s what this section is all about. There are so many different ways to turn your bullet journal into a functional work of art! These are some basic supplies to get you started.

Sticky Notes

Sticky notes are so versatile. In your travel bullet journal, you can use them as tabs or as movable notes and reminders.

Washi Tape

There are so many styles of decorative washi tape. Patterns, colors, all sorts of things! These travel-themed washi tape options are perfect for adding accent to your travel journal, or for taping in souvenir items.


I love these travel-themed stickers! It’s so easy to add them anywhere in your travel bullet journal, and it’s a simple way to add some color and design.

Set of Brush Pens

For adding sketches and that watercolor look to your bullet journal, a set of brush pens is perfect. Make sure that your journal is made with high-quality paper, so the colors don’t bleed through.

Erasable Pens

Vibrant pens and markers that are erasable??? Yes, they exist! Pilot Frixion pens are where it’s at!

Travel Planning Journal

If you’re less of a DIY-er, there are some amazing travel journal options that provide many of the prompts for you that we talked about above. They still have space for you to be creative and develop your own bullet journal packing list, but some of the initial work has been done for you!

You can still add color, add your own creative ideas and details, and keep all your travel plans and memories in one place!

Bullet Journal Packing List

A bullet journal packing list is one of the best tools for staying organized! It helps you stay on top of what needs to go in your suitcase and makes sure nothing gets left behind.

You’ve also seen how you can expand your packing list into so much more, with travel spreads to keep track of all the details of your trip. When you do that, your travel journal automatically becomes a souvenir and keepsake memory book, too!

You can even use a blank page in your travel journal to list out all your travel bucket list destinations, and start planning your next trip or next vacation!


Bullet Journal Packing List



Eiffel Tower in Paris France


It's easy! I will show you how with a FREE trip planning tool.

Nicolette Kay is the founder of Semi-Budget Travel®. She has been traveling the world since junior high, and in 2005, she began single-handedly planning all aspects of semi-budget travel for various family & friends. She has visited more than 20 countries around the world, and is always thinking about…Where to travel next? How to get a good deal? What would be worth splurging on? She helps thousands of people per month plan their fabulous, yet affordable, semi-budget travel.

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