5 Reasons to Keep Planning Travel Right Now

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Planning Travel

You may be thinking, “Why would I keep planning travel right now? What’s the use?”

You’re quarantined. Airlines aren’t flying. You feel stuck.

Oh, I hear you. We’re all in the same boat, in uncharted waters.

But, even in this season, there are still so many reasons to keep planning travel…yes, even right now.


Planning Travel

1) It’s Fun!

After homeschooling the kids and cooking fresh meals every day, I’m tempted to wind down and aimlessly scroll FB. Instead, I can purposefully scroll through travel sites. It’s just fun!

I love planning travel! Figuring out dates and how everything works together is actual fun for me! (If that’s not your idea of travel fun, contact me, and we’ll talk!)

2) Be Productive (by Planning Travel!)

Here’s the thing. We are being productive, right? Teaching, cleaning, cooking, baking, laundry-ing…okay, I took some liberties on that last one. But, seriously…we almost feel more productive than we ever have before!

Now it’s time to add in something productive-ly fun!

Is travel planning productive? Um, hello! Of course it is! (And it’ll pay off, as you’ll see in the last point!)

Is it productive-ly fun? (See main point above…yes!)

If you’re going to plan a trip anyway, it may as well be right now…when we’re not shuttling kids to their activities, when we can’t just pop into the grocery store every day like no big deal, when…you get the picture!

If you want to take things a step further, start learning a new language. There are free online resources, such as Duolingo, that will at least get you up to speed on ordering a coffee in your language of choice! It literally only takes a few minutes a day!

3) Allow Yourself to Dream

Right now, it’s hard not to focus on our current circumstances. We’re stuck at home. We’re not travelling anywhere. It’s sometimes all we think about.

So, allow yourself to dream. Shift your paradigm, if only for a little while.

Dream big!

Allow yourself to dream. Shift your paradigm, and dream big! Share on X

Where have you ALWAYS wanted to go? What country in the world sounds really interesting, but you’ve never really considered it before?

Dreaming of future travel can help you right now, by giving you something to look forward to on the other side of our world’s current situation.

Eiffel Tower in Paris France

4) Learn about New Locations (including Your Surrounding Area)

I’ve been intrigued with France (Paris, specifically) since I chose to write about it for my 6th grade country report. I’ve also been fortunate to visit the City of Lights a couple times.

However, what about Lyon? Toulouse? The Dordogne region? Côte d’Azur? I have yet to visit any of those places, and now’s the perfect time to do some long-overdue research and planning.

What locations interest you? Along with your favorite places that bubble to the top, think of some new locations that you hadn’t considered before.

And in the immediate, don’t forget your local area. Are there hiking trails that you’ve never sought out before? Now’s your chance!

Are there restaurants that you just haven’t made it to yet? Place an order for pick-up or delivery, and support your local entrepreneurs.

Dordogne Region in France

5) Re-Plan & Make It Better

So, I gotta tell ya…we’ve been planning a big trip since last year. It’s scheduled for fall, but with the state of the world, the trip is in serious jeopardy. One major event on the trip has been re-scheduled to 2022! We haven’t cancelled anything else so far, but I’m guessing that we will.

What do to? What if we have to cancel the rest of the trip?

Well, I’ll re-plan and make it better for when we do go (possibly in 2022?!?!?).

Semi-Budget Travel Savings!

With your future travel sketched out, once quarantines and stay-at-home orders are lifted, you’ll be ready to purchase when an excellent deal comes along.

Another benefit to re-planning for a future date is that, with your plan in place, you will be ready to purchase when an excellent deal comes along. You will have the luxury of waiting for that great deal! And, you’ll also be helping travel vendors, both big and small, get things back on track.

And, here’s one more tidbit to help you when you’re re-planning: purchase travel/trip insurance. While non-refundable deals are sometimes too hard to pass up, there are always the what-ifs (like COVID-19!).

Semi-Budget Travel Pro Tip!

Purchase travel/trip insurance.
It’ll help protect your hard-earned vacation!

Be inspired to keep planning travel…even right now. Have fun with it! Dream big! And be ready for the payoff!


Planning Travel

What travel are you planning right now? Please share in the comments below!

OG: 04192020



Eiffel Tower in Paris France


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Nicolette Kay is the founder of Semi-Budget Travel®. She has been traveling the world since junior high, and in 2005, she began single-handedly planning all aspects of semi-budget travel for various family & friends. She has visited more than 20 countries around the world, and is always thinking about…Where to travel next? How to get a good deal? What would be worth splurging on? She helps thousands of people per month plan their fabulous, yet affordable, semi-budget travel.

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